Cancel Culture: IVF Outcomes from Second Stimulation Cycles

June 2, 2023Webinars
National IVF Expert Sangita Jindal Ph.D. HCLD was a featured speaker at the GENES Conference 2023 Day 2 on the topic of Cancel Culture: IVF Outcomes from Second Stimulation Cycles Following First Cycle Cancellation. “Despite continued advances in ART, IVF does not always go as planned, “explained Dr. Jindal. In her talk, Dr. Jindal presents [...]

A Guide for ART Lab Design

November 20, 2022Webinars
This video, which was sponsored by LifeAire Systems, was shared from the International IVF Initiative Channel, Session 102 and features Sangita Jindal Ph.D. as co-moderator. The topic is a discussion of a landmark paper from an international expert group that met in 2017 in Cairo, Egypt to establish a consensus on recommended technical and operational [...]

Understanding Fertility & Embryology

July 14, 2022Webinars
This presentation about fertility is directed toward IVF patients and features Sangita Jindal, Ph.D., HCLD, and Mark W. Surrey MD. Dr. Jindal describes in detail the journey of eggs and embryos in the lab and advises how to interpret pregnancy rate statistics. The presentation begins with the advantages of SCRC-Santa Barbara which takes a holistic [...]

Are We Approaching Automation in ART?

September 2, 2021Webinars
Sangita K. Jindal is one of the experts in this discussion about the article, “Are we approaching automated assisted reproductive technology? Sperm analysis, oocyte manipulation, and insemination,” recently published in F&S Reviews. Watch

The Book of IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)

July 12, 2021Webinars
Sangita K. Jindal Ph.D. was a cohost of Session 66 at I3 (International IVF Initiative) and the video was shared from their YouTube channel. "IUI is an excellent option for infertile couples in low-resource settings. It's low cost and less invasive than IVF, " explained Jindal.

Intuitive Embryology: How to Prevent Your Lab from Going Viral

March 9, 2021Webinars
Sangita Jindal Ph.D. HCLD was a featured speaker on the topic of How to Prevent Your Lab from Going Viral. "In the context of the global pandemic, it may be useful to review tips for handing eggs, sperm, and embryos in the lab from virus-positive patients, " Dr. Jindal explained. This video was shared from [...]

The Plastic Blastocyst

October 28, 2020Webinars
Sangita Jindal Ph.D. HCLD cohosted this session with Denny Sakkas, Ph.D. This video was shared from International IVF Initiative, Session 38. " This session focused on the biochemistry and metabolism of the human blastocyst. There are 3D modeling videos that are part of this talk that are definitely worth watching, " explained Jindal

How do disasters impact our perspectives on embryo cryostorage management?

September 3, 2020Webinars
Most disasters are unpredictable. But if we have a basic outline or template in place, we can have a better chance of surviving the impact successfully. Sangita Jindal Ph.D., HCLD was a featured speaker in this webinar which was sponsored by the International IVF initiative. Her learning objectives for this webinar included understanding best practices, [...]